60 questions – Answer #1

60 questions – Answer #1

When was the last time you did something for the first time? My last First Time When I created this set of questions quite some time ago, the answer to this first question would have been about breaking out of the daily rut and shifting 

60 Questions – How curious are you about yourself? 

60 Questions – How curious are you about yourself? 

What is a good life? – How can I stop the inner critic? – What is success for me? – How can I make myself happy? – What is the purpose of my life?    Once I’ve found the answers to these questions, then everything will 

I am not broken – do not try to fix me

I am not broken – do not try to fix me

It is an important realization, that you are never something like „damaged goods“ or broken in a sense that you need to be repaired. At some point, I understood that I just had emotions that signaled a need that I had.  So sometimes: I was